Sunday, December 23, 2007

Joseph's Coat of Many Colors UPDATE!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! We wish you all a safe holiday season and wish you all the best! Ok, look at these gorgeous Christmas presents that my mamaw gave to her Sunday School teachers. She already made one of the squares (pictured in a previous post) and so she decided to make one more and give them for Christmas presents. As you can see one has lace edging and the other has tube edging. The are very close to being exact but since they are made from varigated thread, they are alike just not exact. Of course, they were a hit. I just wanted to show you guys what had been going on. Anyways, I had better run as I have to get ready for tomorrow. Below is also a pic of my girls and Santa (it was a nightmare with my 2 year old the first Santa we tried to take her to, but this time wasn't so bad, even though I had to try to let her sit in my lap the first picture-but she finally warmed up). Happy HO HO as she says!


Bev said...

Please can you send me the patterns for these patterns they are beautifull.